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Zareef Shanoudy
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Zareef Shanoudy
The line is a very important element to my Artwork. All my attempts are to examination the things around me to find the line value. This research does not depend on the line to show the external appearance of things, but depends on things as essential for the formation of lines. As you can see, line acting a very large role on the whole my Artwork. Printmaking has always been a special medium to me. I enjoyed the sculptural quality of cutting into linoleum sheets and the raised surface that was created as an effect of that. Linoleum prints had a consistent line quality and graphic texture that I couldn't seem to achieve through the other printmaking techniques. I use printmaking to show beauty and uniqueness. Many of my relief prints reflect my personal experiences and opinions. I have found that printmaking gives me more depth about my subjects. Through this medium I am able to give spirit to something many people usually do not consider. Most of my works invoke a love of the natural world and force us to consider alternative ways not only to look at, but also to conserve nature. I am amazed by creation. I am completely absorbed by abstract. Abstract is my nature — it is me. In art, I am concerned with showing emotion. Abstraction allows me to show not just the representation of a thing or a slight variation, but to use the elements of the thing to evoke feeling. In this way things become more than just things.
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