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Bassem Abdelmalak – Pope Shenouda III
[row snaps=”0000″][column size=”4″ offset=”0″ content_align=”left” use_paddings=”false” padding=””] [image height=”0″ max_width=”0″ link=”” target=”_blank” ]1944[/image][divider width=”100″ thickness=”1″ line_style=”solid” line_color=”#242424″ line_align=”left” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”10″ ][/divider][/column][column size=”8″ offset=”0″ content_align=”left” use_paddings=”false” padding=””] [text_header font=”Open_Sans:regular” font_size=”17″ line_height=”25″ letterspacing=”0″ color=”#ffffff” align=”left” padding=”20px 0px” border_width=”0″ border_style=”solid” border_color=”#ffffff” line_type=”none” line_size=”0″ line_color=”#ffffff” line_width=”40″ line_ver=”5″ line_hor=”0″ ]Pope Shenouda III
by Bassem Abdelmalek[/text_header][text ]
Medium: Oil Painting
Pope Shenouda is an icon to Coptic people and Muslims alike. I found this popular image of His Holiness striking as he gives an unfading gaze that completely epitomizes a shepherd`s watchful eye over his flock. I did not hesitate to paint this picture.
Suggested price: $150