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Fadi Mikhail
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Fadi Mikhail, (born 1984) is an Egyptian-English painter and a graduate from the world-renowned Slade School of Fine Art, University College London (UCL). In 2013 he was commissioned by Royal Mail to produce an icon for their 2013 Christmas stamp series. His work has also been commissioned by The Coptic Church for presentation to HRH Prince of Wales.
His work has almost always been semi-abstract and figurative, with close links to both German expressionism and English romanticism. His paintings have been exhibited in such venues as The British Museum and Westminster Cathedral in London, but most find their way to private and domestic collections. Further to his studies at The Slade, Fadi was apprenticed by the father of Neo-Coptic Iconography – the late Professor Isaac Fanous – in California USA. Professor Fanous was undoubtedly one of the most inspiring figures in Fadi’s development as a painter. Fadi also claims a great love for the old English romantic painters such as Samuel Palmer and John Piper. He claims his greatest current inspiration, however, is found in the late stained-glass artist Ervin Bossanyi.
In his spare time he is an active and experienced musician; performing as a singer, guitarist and percussionist, as well as conducting a choir in Hertfordshire.
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