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Fayrouz Nessiem
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Fayrouz is the daughter of the famous artist Nabil Nissem in Tanta, Egypt. In 2005 she graduated with a BA degree of Fine Arts from Helwan University in Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt. She studied for one year at the Institute of Coptic art in Cairo under the chairmanship of Issac Fanous. She took classes on how to make puppets in St. Mina in Shoubra, Cairo. This was headed by the artist Fady Fouqeh. She worked with her father to complete student projects of Engineering and of applied Arts Projects. She was a member of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese in Tanta, Egypt for three years. She has a collection in the Monastery of Saint Mina in Payeer City, Tanta, Egypt. Her work can be seen in many homes and stores around the Hoboken area. She works with oil paints and specializes in murals. Some of her work can also be seen on the domes of the church, St. Abanoub in Bayonne New jersey.
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