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Mariam Beshara
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Mariam always loved art as a child. In her younger years, she would always be doodling and creating art whenever she had the chance. As she got to high school, her art teacher told Mariam her art had potential and the teacher sat and taught her different techniques and tips to apply to her art. Her teacher inspired her to start painting. Since then, she paints all the time. She took art every year throughout her high school career. She loves being able to use her imagination to create whatever she wants on a canvas. Mariam believes you can paint a picture and it can mean so much more than words. She recently started incorporating religion in her paintings. Her first painting was of the Coptic cross and she has others that she is currently working on. Religious paintings and paintings in general have so much meaning without using words and she thinks that’s the beauty of them. Mariam hopes to continue painting in college and so on for as long as she is able to do so.
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